The Talent Show

Tim the dark elf Drow was nearing the end of his teens. Third puberty had yet to set in, so he held out hope that his current lanky form would not be his last. His hair, though long and fair against his dark skin, was permanently greasy. This greasiness led to pimples and scarring across his face. When they were large enough, the other kids would call him “Twenty-Eyes.” That is, when they were not calling him “Fuckface,” or “Drow-bow-wow.” He was not entirely sure if that last one was an insult or not, but it felt demeaning either way. Tim sighed.

He was depressed. His family had been cast out of the Underlands of Crimson Rock the year before for being deemed too nice during the Drow Council’s Evil Audit of Evilry. His father had committed the heinous act of suggesting the city implement a recycling program instead of just throwing everything into the Under-Underlands via the giant pit on the outskirts of town.

They barely made it out with their lives.

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Tork and the Wolves

Artist depiction of the Northern Crimson Rock Mountains.

Far in the hills away from the hustle and bustle of the main roads of the war torn nation of Crimson Rock, there resided a clan of orcs. They lived an idyllic life. Crushing trees, crushing stones, and crushing the bones of any hunters who wandered too close to the village. It was a time of peace.

Which is exactly why Tork hated it.

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